Thursday, July 12, 2007

Oh OHHH Dreammmmm Weaver...

Tell me what this dream means. I've had it a couple of times now.

It's Christmas Eve. We've been every where and seen every one that we're supposed to see on Christmas Eve. After putting Jack to bed, Leah and I collapse on the sofa and try to relax for a moment. We try our best to recover from all of the forced family fun and rest up for more FFF to come the next morning, day and night. As we exhale, in the silent calm of that moment, it hits me that I haven't bought Leah one single Christmas present. I'm horrified and frightened and embarrassed and feel like a total arse.

And then I wake up.

I never get to see how it turns out. My guess is that I stayed up all night making a card on the computer that reads "Sorry you don't have a present to open" on the outside, and then the inside says something like, "But I couldn't find a box big enough for New York City! Pack your bags. We're spending New Years Eve in Times Square!"

I would then have to book airline tickets and a hotel room.

What does it mean, and how does the story end?

I'm going to get her a t-shirt and a loofa sponge at Target on the way home, just to be prepared.


Katie said...

i am lol at the loofah.

Lee said...

Not sure.

My dream is that I have finished college and have a job but someone tells me I have to finish one more class in high school. I go back, but can't find my locker.

King Conch said...

Ahh, maybe the dream isn't really about Christmas. Maybe everyday now just seems like Christmas because we get up, go places that we don't really want to go to, see people that we really don't want to see (I'm glad my family doesn't read this, well, no offense JRod), and then rush home to start our real job. By the time that job's done, so is the day.

Michelle said...

I dream that dream. In my dream, I always forget to get my parents a Christmas gift. I thought it meant I don't do enough for my parents.

Leah F. Jackson said...

Just for the record I don't feel neglected -- just tired sometimes!

Four Fingered George said...

Jammy I love your blog. I happened upon it a while back and really enjoy it. I always have this dream that I am back at University of Virginia and I cannot find my classroom and when I do find it I've graduated.